Our Mission

Village Treasure House is a volunteer organization providing support to local agencies serving people in need in our communities. Since 1998, we have given away over $4,100,000! We invite you to learn more about the organizations we support.

Children's Advocacy Center
Recognizing the right of all children to a safe childhood, The Children’s Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County continuously strives to reduce trauma and provide support to child victims of violence and their families. The Center serves as a community resource to facilitate the identification, intervention and prevention of child abuse. Village Treasure House grants help support Counseling Services and our Coordination, Advocacy, and Sensitive Interviewing Program. cachelps.org
Connections for the Homeless
Connections is ending homelessness by preventing people from losing their homes, housing the homeless, and providing support to help people at risk achieve long-term self-sufficiency. Village Treasure House grants help support our Family Housing Program which currently serves over 400 families. The program assists low-income families who have been forced to leave their homes or are at risk of losing housing. connect2home.org

Erika's Lighthouse
Erika's Lighthouse is dedicated to educating and raising awareness about adolescent depression, encouraging good mental health and breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health issues. We provide school communities with mental health education programming that engages students, educators and families to create a positive school culture around mental health. Thanks to donors like Village Treasure House, all of our programs are provided to schools completely free of charge, so cost is not a barrier. erikaslighthouse.org
Family Promise Chicago North Shore
At Family Promise Chicago North Shore, we are dedicated to helping families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless get back on their feet and provide a stable lifestyle for their children. Our main focus is to help our guest families get back into permanent and sustainable housing and employment as quickly as possible. When we help parents meet their basic needs and give them the opportunity to create a plan to get back on their feet, they can begin to realize their dreams of providing a better life for their children. This improves the lives of future generations, helping to stop the cycle and changes our community for the better. familypromisechicagons.org

Family Service Center
The Family Service Center offers individual, couples, and family therapy for a wide range of emotional, relationship, and substance abuse problems. Village Treasure House grants support the clinical services provided to Glenview and Northbrook families who seek help for emotional, relationship, behavioral and substance abuse problems and who can’t afford full costs. familyservicecenter.com
Hunger Resource Network
Hunger Resource Network’s mission is to aid in the alleviation of hunger by helping meet the needs of food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters. We are an all-volunteer Board. Since 2009, Hunger Resource Network has distributed over 4.4 million pounds of food to soup kitchens, food pantries and shelters in the Chicagoland area. hungerresourcenetwork.org

Haven Youth & Family Services
Haven Youth & Family Services helps youth and their families in crisis offering specialized programs focused on prevention, intervention and private counseling. Haven collaborates with schools and other community agencies to counsel youth and to identify and prevent crises. The money Haven receives from Village Treasure House is put directly towards our crisis services, which include a 24-hour hotline, crisis counseling and emergency housing for youth. All of Haven’s services are free of charge. havenforyouth.org
Metropolitan Family Services
For more than 150 years Metropolitan Family Services has been a voice for families. From early childhood programs to elder care services, every family member is encouraged to work together to realize their amazing strength. Village Treasure House grants help support the Behavioral Health Program, which includes services for children, adults and families through therapy, case management and recovery support in the offices, homes and the community. metrofamily.org

Northfield Township Food Pantry
The Northfield Township Food Pantry is extremely grateful for the long-term, continued support of Village Treasure House. Grant monies are used to purchase perishable and non-perishable food items and grocery store gift cards in support of the Food Pantry’s monthly distribution program. Without this support, we would not be able to provide this much-needed assistance to our neighbors in need.northfieldtownship.com/food-pantry
The Harbour Inc.
“Funding from generous community supporters such the Village Treasure House enables us to continue our programs providing emergency shelter, crisis intervention, counseling, educational and employment support, transitional living services, and support for pregnant and/or parenting youth ages 12-21.” theharbour.org

Shelter, Inc.
Shelter, Inc. provides community based, emergency and longer-term housing for children and adolescents who are abused, neglected, dependent or in need of supervision. Village Treasure House grants support our Special Assistance Fund which pays for special medical, dental, physical or mental health needs of Shelter’s children. shelter-inc.org
Wesley Child Care Center
A not-for-profit, non-sectarian child care serving the Glenview community since 1972. The mission of Wesley Child Care Center is to provide a trusted, nurturing, secure and developmentally appropriate enriching experience for children, serving the unique needs of families within our community. Wesley offers year-round full & half-day preschool, school-based before and after school care for Glenview District 34 families, full-day summer camp programming for ages 2-12 and a scholarship assistance program. Village Treasure House grants provide critical tuition assistance for families in need. wesleychildcarecenter.com

WINGS helps homeless and abused women and children by offering integrated services that meet their needs for shelter, education, guidance and support. We provide safe, secure living environments, through transitional housing and emergency shelter, in residential neighborhoods that allow women to go to school, work, and achieve financial and emotional independence. wingsprogram.com
Youth Services of Glenview/Northbrook
The Village Treasure House grant is being used to support our work with some of our most at-risk young people through our Therapeutic Mentoring program. This is the most sought after program we offer and is unique to our agency. With your support we will be able to continue to serve children regardless of their ability to pay. We are very grateful for your assistance and appreciate the confidence you have shown in the work we do. ysgn.org

YWCA Evanston/Northshore
The YWCA Evanston North Shore operates the only comprehensive residential domestic violence program serving the northeastern Chicago metropolitan area. At the heart of our Domestic Violence Services are those for families in crisis, providing the resources for more than 800 women and children to get safe, stay safe and heal from the violence in their homes. The YWCA is able to supply them with emergency shelter, help them obtain orders of protection, and offer counseling and support during what may be the most difficult decision they have ever made. At the same time, through educational programming in local schools, we teach over 1,000 children how to recognize and build healthy relationships in hopes of breaking the cycle of violence once and for all. The Village Treasure House is our loyal partner in each of these endeavors, supplying critical funding for our Domestic Violence Services. ywca-ens.org