Grant Recipients 2024

Children’s Advocacy Center, to support its Family Support Services and Safe from the Start programs, and its trauma-focused therapy services for child survivors of abuse and their non-offending family members.
Connections for the Homeless, to sustain its programs and make improvements to provide additional help to those who are unhoused or on the verge of homelessness, and through our special grant, to support its drop-in program for street people.
Erika’s Lighthouse, a “beacon of hope for adolescent depression,” for its Teen Empowerment Clubs and to support updating its Policy & Staff Training Program.
Family Promise Chicago North Shore, which helps families who have recently found themselves homeless due to job loss, illness or the landlord’s foreclosure, e.g., return to self- sufficiency, to support its operations, including the expansion of its workforce development program.
Family Service Center of Glenview, Kenilworth, Northbrook & Wilmette to support delivery of critical mental health services to low income clients;
The Harbour, Inc., which provides emergency housing and services to youth experiencing homelessness, for its immediate safe housing, healing-centered therapeutic intervention programs and transitional housing.
Haven Youth & Family Services, which fosters the mental health of youth and their families, to expand its free outreach services to schools, parents and the community.
Hunger Resource Network, to purchase approximately 21,428 pounds of chicken for distribution to more than 100 food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters on its Community Outreach Days.
Metropolitan Family Servicesto support its Behavioral Health Program and to provide services to children, youth, adults and families at its Evanston/Skokie Valley offices and through our special grant, to support its Client Financial Assistance Program for emergency needs.
Northfield Township Food Pantry,for its Angel Fund for qualifying Township residents facing emergency needs that fall outside the scope of other public aid programs and with our special grant, to buy feminine hygiene products that Pantry clients cannot purchase with SNAP funds.
Shelter, Inc., for its Healthy Families Program, which provides education and support to first time, at-risk parents, and to support its Jennings Group Home and Buckholz Group Home, serving youth aged 11-17 who are facing crisis situations.
Wesley Child Care Center,as we continue to be the biggest funder of Wesley’s scholarship fund.
WINGS, for its Children and Family Services Program, which helps women and their children who have escaped domestic abuse.
Youth Services of Glenview/Northbrook, to support its mental health subsidies and its Youth Development Programs and with our special grant, to support its Easing Program, which provides emergency assistance to low income residents who have had serious setbacks resulting in financial difficulties.
YWCA Domestic Violence Services, to support its comprehensive domestic violence services and through twos pecial grants, to purchase art supplies for its children’s therapy rooms and provide assistance to clients needing help with rent, utilities, food, childcare and transportation to stay free from abuse.